24 June, 2021

Euro-Latin American visions and proposals to improve care and shelter for victims of gender-based violence

23 June, 2021
Evento Justicia Económica

Inclusive and egalitarian economic and social recovery based on development plans and care policies with a gender perspective

16 June, 2021

Latin American visions and proposals for an intersectional and intersectoral digital transformation through and for equality

15 June, 2021

Presentation of the Organization of American States’ Model Inter-American Law on Document Management

14 June, 2021

Euro-Latin American visions and proposals to prevent adolescent pregnancy and promote equal gender relations

8 June, 2021

Latin American civil society organisation initiatives in the face of the pandemic

4 June, 2021

Chile-EU dialogues. Roundtable VI: Fundamental Rights

2 June, 2021

Access to information and gender equality: an agenda for Latin America

28 May, 2021

Housing First in Times of Pandemic: a strategy to end the homeless situation

18 May, 2021

Chile-EU round table meetings. Round table V: Development and sustainability

18 May, 2021

A policy framework under construction for elderly people’s residences in Argentina

14 May, 2021

Post-COVID-19 socio-economic recovery strategies: Urban and territorial development for social cohesion

10 May, 2021

COVID-19 – occupational health and safety measures and the role of social dialogue and sectoral agreements in Latin America and Europe

30 April, 2021

Chile-European Union round table meetings. Round table IV: Gender and Constitution

23 April, 2021
Taller de intercambio de experiencias latinoamericanas y europeas en torno al mejoramiento de servicios de protección de mujeres víctimas de violencia  a través de refugios, casas de acogida y albergues

Exchange of Latin American and European experiences regarding improving protection services for female victims of violence through refuges, shelters and hostels