9 June, 2020

Access to public information gives citizens more power and promotes more democratic societies

1 June, 2020

Alternative measures against COVID-19: on the urgent need for their application to imprisoned women in Latin America

27 May, 2020

At the limits, reality becomes more dense

25 May, 2020
Centro internacional de acogida en Brasil para migrantes venezolanos

EUROsociAL+ and migration in Latin America in this time of Covid-19

11 May, 2020

The EU and Latin America and the Caribbean: coming together in their efforts against COVID-19

7 May, 2020

Tax policies and international cooperation in Latin America

27 April, 2020
Pilar Martín Nájera

Interview with María Pilar Martín Nájera, public prosecutor with the Spanish General Prosecutor’s Office delegated court against violence against women

23 April, 2020
Mural urbano

Corruption and its effects on women: a community of practice to combat corruption linked to gender issues

19 April, 2020
Comisaria Urpilainen

Commissioner Urpilainen: Solidarity against COVID-19 should lead us back to strong multilateralism

14 April, 2020
Centro de privación de libertad EUROsociAL+

Innovation to protect the rights of prisoners

7 April, 2020
Director de EUROsociAL+

We have been saying it (by Juan Manuel Santomé Calleja, director de EUROsociAL+)

25 March, 2020

Towards a consensus to reduce the greatest inequalities

18 March, 2020

Being a woman or girl in Latin America increases the risk of experiencing corrupt practices by public officials

14 February, 2020
Frontera de paz EUROsociAL+

Peace Border: Strengthening cross-border governance

15 January, 2020
Representación de la obra  “SacrifiXio, la consagración de la paz” de la Compañía Cuerpo de Indias de El Colegio del Cuerpo  en el II Encuentro del Programa EUROsociAL+ en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) Fotografía © Casa Productora

EUROsociAL+ outlook for 2020