
What is EUROsociAL?

It is a programme for cooperation between the European Union and Latin America that contributes to reducing inequality, improving levels of social cohesion and strengthening the institutions of 19 Latin American countries. It provides support for the process of designing, reforming and implementing public policy, focusing its action on the areas of gender equality, democratic governance and social policy.

This is a programme funded by the European Commission which since 2005 has been providing a space for peer-to-peer learning and experience exchange between counterpart institutions of the two regions, favouring the use of a broad catalogue of tools relevant to each process.


15 years of Programmes

  • EUROsociAL I (2005-2010)

    The first phase of the programme (2005-2010) arose out of the context of the LAC-EU Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Guadalajara in 2005, at which the importance of social cohesion as a priority element in the bi-regional strategic partnership was made explicitly apparent.
  • EUROsociAL II (2011-2016)

    The second phase of the Programme (2011-2016) continued this ambitious political mandate to promote social cohesion, which has been renewed at successive summits, and incorporates recommendations and guidelines that are based on the lessons learnt from the previous phase, to guarantee the link between the instrument (the exchange of experiences) and its objective (social cohesion).

    Visit website of this phase

  • EUROsociAL+ (2016-2021)

    In this third phase (2016-2021), EUROsociAL+ intends to provide continuity to its policy mandate through follow-up of the processes started and the results obtained in previous years. Furthermore, it intends to support new priorities on Government agendas, also promoting the gender perspective in all its actions.

our world

our dignity

our future


Social cohesion

EUROsociAL sees social cohesion to be related to welfare based on equal opportunities combined with a sense of belonging and with solidarity. It is an elusive and multi-dimensional concept, but at the same time is intelligent, comprehensive, overarching, and a hallmark of societies united around a common project.

Public policies

While the degree of social cohesion is a result of historic and geographic factors, it is also influenced by public policies: those that work to improve access to rights and services without discrimination; to reduce the gaps between individuals, groups and territories; to provide equal opportunities; and to protect vulnerable groups within society.

Institutional strengthening

Building social cohesion also depends on and, in turn, conditions the institutional framework in which it operates. Therein lies the importance of having strong, quality, legitimate institutions that respond to these challenges facing citizens, who, as a result, feel themselves to be part of this common project.

Gender-based perspective

EUROsociAL+ focuses on the implications and effects that the design, formulation and implementation of public policies have on women and men, emphasising the need for policies and programmes in all areas to address this focus in order to gradually contribute to reducing gender inequality and promote a positive impact on social cohesion.

Where it operates

EUROsociAL in figures

What we are

  • It promotes relationships between equals and peer learning.
  • It is incorporated into ongoing processes of change in the countries.
  • It aspires to meet strategic demands.
  • It becomes part of existing networks and supports their work plans.
  • It looks for synergies with the agendas of International Organisations.

What we are not

  • It is not a traditional technical cooperation programme.
  • It does not introduce external agendas or initiatives.
  • It does not become sidetracked by specific objectives or demands.
  • It is not a provider of consulting services, training, studies, etc.
  • Its activities schedules are neither closed or set in stone.