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30 June, 2022

The third phase (2016-2022) of the regional cooperation programme for social cohesion of the European Union in Latin America and the Dominican Republic concluded with the Final Seminar and High Level EU-LAC Dialogue.

2 December, 2021

On Thursday, 25 November, the Binational Autonomous Authority of Lake Titicaca (ALT) organised a public meeting for authorities from Peru and Bolivia, and experts in cooperation from the EUROsociAL+ and EUROFRONT Governance Area, both coordinated by FIIAPP and financed by the European Union.

19 September, 2019

The European Union joins three cooperation programs with Latin America and the Caribbean in the organization of the bi-regional Conference of Montevideo.

18 July, 2019

Firma de carta de compromiso entre EUROsociAL/FIIAPP, Coordinación General de la Asociación Interamericana de Defensorías Públicas (AIDEF) representada por el Instituto de la Defensa Publica de Guatemala, la Defensoría General de la Unión de Brasil y Defensa Penal Pública de Chile.

13 September, 2018

EUROsociAL+ and the EU-LAC Foundation presented the best Euro-Latin American practices in Mexico City together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Inmujeres, Amexcid and the European Union Delegation

30 November, 2017

The 4th ordinary meeting of the Network, where Costa Rica’s MIDEPLAN takes on the new Presidency, was attended by senior authorities from the Mexican, Salvadoran and Bolivian governments, among others