The third phase (2016-2022) of the regional cooperation programme for social cohesion of the European Union in Latin America and the Dominican Republic concluded with the Final Seminar and High Level EU-LAC Dialogue.

High Level EU-LAC Dialogue in Albert Borschette Conference Center, Brussels
Under the approach “New Social Contracts and Partnerships for more Resilient and Inclusive Societies in Latin America and the Caribbean”, authorities and officials of European Institutions, EU Member States, Latin American and Caribbean countries, organisations and civil society, participated in the bi-regional dialogue, building on the rich experience of EUROsociAL+.
The occasion provided the opportunity to share results achieved in supporting public policies, such as the evaluation and strengthening of the Alert Mechanism for Gender-based Violence against Women in Mexico; the institutionalisation of results-based budgeting with a gender perspective in Argentina; responding to the Covid crises the creation of the Network of care and protection for the Elderly at High Risk and Persons with Severe Disabilities (Red Amachay) in Perú; and as regional example, the Inter-American Model Law 2.0 on Access to Public Information, approved by the Assembly of the Organization of American States.
Jutta Urpilainen, the Commissioner for International Partnerships of the European Commission, inaugurated the High-Level EU-LAC Dialogue together with Pablo Tettamanti, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Representative of the pro-tempore Presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States; Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, the Vice President and Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru; Pilar Cancela; the Secretary of State for International Cooperation of Spain; and Mario Cimoli, Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Opening the dialogue, Commissioner Urpilainen highlighted that: “At this moment of great geopolitical turmoil, the EU will take our partnership with Latin America Caribbean to new heights, with the many combined economic, social and environmental mutual benefits it holds for the future. EUROsociAL+ has been a successful example of partnership between our two regions; it has advanced inclusion, equality, social cohesion and education. We will build on its achievements to design together a new programme that will contribute to tackle inequalities further – for impact that leaves no one behind.”
Fourth bi-regional dialogue
In the past, the Programme has promoted three bi-regional dialogues: “2030 Agenda and the SDGs” (2017), “Trust and cohesion” (2019) and “The post-COVID19 recovery Agendas” (2021). Thus, reflecting the convergence of goals and shared values between the two regions on equality and social cohesion. The fourth bi-regional dialogue under EUROsociAL+ facilitated reflections about the relevance of building new social contracts in public policies and contributing to more inclusive and cohesive societies.
In the discussions, Pilar Cancela, Secretary of State for International Cooperation of Spain stated: “For more than 15 years, Spanish Cooperation has been committed, together with the European Union, to reducing inequality, improving governance and social cohesion in Latin America. We do so through programs such as EUROsociAL, a backbone to inspire cooperation with the region in the coming years. After 15 years of work, it has left us with a decalogue of guiding principles to improve public policies and social cohesion in the region and also in Europe. In the coming years, we will continue in this direction, joining forces with other Member States and building on the networks and relational capital established in the region”.
Final Meeting
On the 29 June, the Final Meeting of EUROsociAL+ achievements were shared regarding institutional strengthening and the support of political reforms on gender equality, social policies and good governance. The meeting showcased experiences, best practices and results of EUROsociAL+, highlighting the added value of a multilayer policy dialogue, the combination of regional and national support, and the relevance of public technical cooperation.