Uruguay · 30 June, 2021

Social and intra-government validation of Uruguay’s Comprehensive Employment Promotion Plan

Uruguay advances in the definition of a Comprehensive Employment Promotion Plan 2021-202 with the support of EUROsociAL+ through a significant dialogue and joint work with all public institutions and social actors.

The EUROsociAL+ Social Policies area is supporting the Uruguayan Ministry of Employment and Social Security in designing the Comprehensive Employment Promotion Plan (PIPE) and, with this objective, a series of meetings is being held (23, 25, 30 June and 2 July ) between Uruguay’s National Directorate of Employment and different national organisations to present PIPE objectives and thematic areas in order to enrich it with contributions from the participating institutions and promote agreements for a common working agenda with INEFOP, ANDE, INACOOP, INMUJERES, INISA, DINALI and the Ministries of Social Development and Livestock Industries and Tourism, among other institutions.

Since February 2021, the EUROsociAL+ programme has been accompanying the DINAE in designing the Comprehensive Employment Promotion Plan and construction of the Employment Market Prospecting System. The design and preparation of the Employment Plan has drawn on an exchange with other public experiences from Europe and Latin America that have furthered active employment policies in the COVID situation in view of the need to promote and rethink processes, policies and post-crisis programmes that facilitate access to options to contain and mitigate the consequences for the population, especially the most vulnerable sectors. It is within this framework that the Comprehensive Employment Promotion Plan has been drawn up, the executive summary of which is being considered in this broad socialisation and validation exercise.

The Plan seeks to promote services to promote employment in the most vulnerable population, in their dual role as beneficiaries and strategic actors in the development of the country and territories, based on the following approaches:

An intergenerational approach – bearing in mind that young people, women and those over 45 (before and during the pandemic) have been the most affected in terms of accessing and remaining in the employment market, PIPE will focus its attention on these groups.

A rights-based approach that promotes respect, the exercise and full enforcement of people’s rights where the MTSS/DINAE, as guarantors of rights, supports actions and means for people to access dignified employment.

A gender equity approach that promotes the equity of men and women, within a framework of equal opportunities and the exercise of rights. In particular, actions are promoted so that the most vulnerable women can access decent jobs.

A territorial approach – as key development actors (business and civil society organisations, regional and local governments and workers) they contribute ideals and proposals to local employment policies and programmes in their territories and are empowered by actions that promote employment and vocational training.

A results management approach that promotes the coordination and coherence between policies, plans, programmes and budgets by the public bodies committed to implementing the plan.

This EUROsociAL+ support is synergised with other European Union cooperation initiatives in Uruguay (Development in Transition) that are accompanying a project to integrate women into the ICT industries through mentoring and another with circular economy initiatives in the sawmill sector.


Country: Uruguay
SDG: Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth, Reduced inequalities, Partnerships for the goals
Policy area: Social policies