SDG 17. Partnerships for the Goals

Goals to which EUROsociAL+ contributes

17.1 To strengthen the mobilisation of domestic resources, including with the provision of international support to developing countries in order to improve their domestic capacity to collect tax and other income.

17.9 To increase international support to develop effective and specific capacities in developing countries in order to support national SDG implementation plans, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.

17.14 To improve the coherence of policies for sustainable development.

17.16 To improve the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilise and exchange knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, in order to support the achievement of SDGs in all countries.

17.19 To take advantage of existing initiatives to develop indicators to measure progress on sustainable development and complement the gross domestic product, and to support the creation of statistical capacity in developing countries.