Honduras · 3 December, 2021

Third place in the contest “The NAF as a lever for social inclusion in times of Covid”: UTH University of Honduras

Honduras came third in the contest organised by EUROsociAL+ called “The NAF as a lever for social inclusion in times of Covid” with the video ‘Let’s strengthen entrepreneurship in times of pandemic’. The production tells the stories of two beneficiaries of the Economic Autonomy Module of the Ciudad Mujer Programme, which, despite the difficulties caused by the confinement due to the pandemic and the impact of storms Eta and Iota, found a way to keep their small businesses going. With the advice of the NAF, they found out about the tax benefits available, the online services that the Revenue Administration Service (SAR) provided, and were able to learn more about the Law of Support for Micro and Small companies. The video summarises the assistance lent by Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras (Technological University of Honduras), Ciudad Mujer and the Tax Administration to female entrepreneurs.

Country: Honduras
SDG: Reduced inequalities, Peace, justice and strong institutions
Policy area: Democratic governance policies