The institutions of the Government of the Dominican Republic and the European Union have chaired the first “country-dialogue table”, technically coordinated by the three policy areas of the Programme in the FIIAPP, Expertise France and IILA.
The Dominican Republic has joined the EUROsociAL+ programme, thus becoming the first Caribbean country to sign up to the programme. With this new participant, the programme, which seeks to promote institutional cooperation and strengthen social cohesion in almost twenty Latin American countries, and which is financed by the European Union, further increases its presence in Latin America.
The Caribbean country formally joins the “EUROsociAL+ Programme Country Discussion Table”. A table inaugurated by the Government of the Dominican Republic, represented by the General Directorate of Multilateral Cooperation, and the European Union Delegation there.
The event was attended by the ambassador and authorising officer for European Development Funds, Antonio Vargas Hernández, who stressed the importance of joining the programme: “We expect to act as a bridge between the two regions and hope that other countries in the region participate in this innovative initiative”.
The Minister for Women’s Affairs, Janet Camilo, stressed the need to join efforts to combat inequalities: “There is no comfort zone in equality … Solutions will be possible only with an inter-dimensional and inter-sectoral perspective.”
The director of the programme, in which the FIIAPP also plays a management role, Juanma Santomé, presented the EUROsociAL+ work areas. The programme is to support the public policy design, reform and implementation processes in areas such as social policies, democratic governance and gender equality policies.
The signing-up of the Dominican Republic to EUROsociAL+ contributes to reducing inequality, improving social cohesion levels and strengthening the institutions.