The Cuidar+ Network derives from work that the EUROsociAL+ Programme, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the French Development Agency (AFD) are jointly carrying out in support of the design and strengthening of care policies for dependent people.

On 26 August, the first meeting of the Cuidar+ Network of institutions from Latin American and Caribbean countries in charge of care policies was held online.
The Network is intended to be a space for dialogue and reflection at the regional level on the processes of building care systems and strengthening services for older adults and people with disabilities and is underway in different Latin American countries.
During the first meeting of the Network, a debate was held on the main challenges that countries face regarding care issues and on the possible areas in which the Network can act and provide support. The Network is promoted by the EUROsociAL+ Programme, the Inter-American Development Bank and the French Development Agency in the field of various initiatives that are being carried out jointly on this issue.