Guatemala · 17 September, 2021

The European Union to assist with Guatemala’s National Commission for Decent Employment

In an example of complementarity, the European Union’s Empleo Digno (“Decent Employment”, for Guatemala) and EUROsociAL+ programmes have contributed to the creation of the Institutional Law of the National Commission for Decent Employment, as a step towards the implementation of the 2017-2032 National Policy on Decent Employment.

On 8 September 2021, the Institutional Law of the National Commission for Decent Employment was passed. The Government Agreement 178-2021 that this law institutes represents an important milestone for the country, a concrete step forward towards the implementation of the 2017-2032 National Policy for Decent Employment, the result of a five-year effort supported by the European Union through the bilateral Youth Employment Programme and the EUROsociAL+ Programme.

The National Commission for Decent Employment, as the body responsible for the National Policy for Decent Employment, has the task of implementing strategies for the generation of employment, the development of human capital, promoting an environment conducive to the development of companies and ensuring a transition to formality. The National Commission for Decent Employment comprises the ministers of employment and social security, economy, social development and education. It is also committed to adding other public bodies and civil society order to better implement the policy.

The EUROsociAL+ Programme continues to support Guatemala in the consolidation of its National Employment System. This support is provided through action aimed at strengthening three areas: (a) the Inter-Institutional Technical Committee (the technical body of the National Commission for Decent Employment, (b) the National Network of One-Stop Employment Shops and (c) the consolidation of the National Employment Training System.

With the setting up of the National Commission for Decent Employment, an important step has been taken, although there is still a long way to go in order to solve the serious employment challenges facing the country in order to reduce the rates of informal labour and improve the quality of employment.

Country: Guatemala
SDG: Decent work and economic growth, Peace, justice and strong institutions
Policy area: Social policies