Brazil · 15 October, 2021

Labour inclusion of people with disabilities: exchange workshops to strengthen this policy in Brazil

The series of 6 exchange workshops with international experiences on policies and measures for the labour inclusion of people with disabilities constitutes a milestone in the process of EUROsociAL+ support for the Ministry for Women, Family and Human Rights of Brazil.

From 29 September to 10 November, a series of workshops will be held that will address different specific topics in the field of labour inclusion of people with disabilities thanks to the participation of international experts identified by the ONCE Social Group: from work with support for accessibility and adaptations in jobs, as well as digital transformations, social benefits and other key aspects to promote greater labour inclusion of these people. The inauguration was attended by the National Secretary for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Brazil, Claudio Castro Panoeiro, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the European Union Delegation in Brazil, who underlined the progress Brazil has made in terms of regulations and the difficulties in terms of policy implementation.

In Brazil, the law defines the quota of people with disabilities which it is mandatory to hire, both in private companies and in the public sector. However, there are many difficulties in turning compliance with the quota into the true insertion into the labour force of this population group. To do this there are many instruments and affirmative measures, many of which are the subject of these workshops, that are aimed at facilitating this objective and that need to be regulated and implemented. These measures help create a different culture in relation to disability in the workplace: an appreciation of the capacities that people have and of the usefulness and contribution that anyone can make to the common goal of a company or an institution.

Experts from international organisations, such as the ILO, officials from public institutions from countries in the Latin American region and the European Union, and representatives from private companies and civil society organisations are taking part in the different sessions, in order to debate with various Brazilian institutions of the executive branch and representatives of the legislative branch, as well as with companies and civil society organisations.

These workshops contribute to the strengthening of the Policy that the EUROsociAL+ Programme is developing in Brazil also through technical assistance to prepare normative and regulatory proposals on these social issues.

Watch videos from the sessions:

Session I: Integrating disabled people into the labour market in Brazil: inauguration

Session II: Integrating disabled people into the labour market in Brazil: methodologies



Country: Brazil
SDG: Decent work and economic growth, Reduced inequalities
Policy area: Social policies