EUROsociAL+ has supported the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Vocational Training Forum held in the Costa Rican city of Heredia, which was opened by the president of the Republic, the president of the Legislative Assembly and the European Union ambassador to the country.
The president of the Republic of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, the ambassador of the European Union, Antonia Calvo and the president of the Legislative Assembly, Carlos Benavida opened the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Vocational Training in Costa Rica Forum, organised by the National Learning Institute of Costa Rica, with the support of EUROsociAL+.
At this high-level forum, the coordinator of the social policy department of EUROsociAL at IILA, Francesco Chiodi, presented the great challenges of vocational training in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0, which include adequate preparation for young people and their accompaniment in the school-work transition.
The conclusions of this two-day forum have raised concrete proposals to reform vocational training in Costa Rica, and for the organisation in charge of it, the INA. This opens a path for transformation and change aimed at streamlining this institution and making it flexible, with a strong capacity to adapt to the challenges of Revolution 4.0.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Luis Salazar, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Geannina Dinarte Romero, the executive president of the INA, Andrés Valenciano, the representative and secretary of the Legislative Directory, Laura Guido Pérez and Francesco Chiodi himself all participated in this event.
The role of the EUROsociAL + Programme consists of providing advice and support for the preparation of a technical study designed to help analyse the feasibility of the comprehensive management model (with recommendations on the possible organisational, operational and regulatory adjustments required to achieve a correct implementation of the model), as well as supporting the definition of a social dialogue strategy.
The EUROsociAL+ Programme’s social policy department has undertaken a specialist advisory mission to the National Learning Institute (the Spanish acronym of which is INA) of Costa Rica. Fabio Boscherini, the European expert in employment policies, took part in this mission. Technical assistance focuses on designing a proposal to reform the institution that allows the implementation of a new integral services management model.
The purpose of the strategy outlined by the INA and supported by the EUROsociAL+ Programme is the construction of a new model that collects contributions and input from all sectors, based on a broad political, technical and social consensus, as part of a wider dialogue with the other State institutions involved, the business and union sector, political forces and civil society.