Ecuador · 28 October, 2019

Developing a care policy in Ecuador

The social policy area of EUROsociAL+ in IILA accompanies the Ecuadorian Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion in the construction of a national care system.

Within the framework of an action to establish a care policy in Ecuador, from September 22 to 27, the last technical assistance mission of the Chilean expert Paula Fortes in the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion of Ecuador (MIES) was carried out.

The consultancy worked both on a normative and institutional diagnosis of the MIES, and on a conceptual framework for a national system of care with the objective that the different under-secretaries of the Ministry share a common vision of the subject. Although Ecuador’s constitution itself recognises the right to care, much remains to be done before a true care system can be installed. The consultant stressed the need to reinforce the care components found today in several of the MIES services.

The proposal for a conceptual framework of care was presented to the authorities of the Ministry at a meeting of its Management Committee on September 25. At that meeting, the need to establish a roadmap towards the construction of a national care system was recognised: create a responsible unit for care in the MIES; integrate information systems; redesign services with a focus on the person and strengthen inter-sectoral coordination. These are the proposals under discussion so that the construction of a national system of personal assistance services becomes a central issue on the Ecuadorian political agenda.

Country: Ecuador
SDG: Good health & well-being, Gender equality, Reduced inequalities
Policy area: Social policies