Within the framework of the support provided by the EUROsociAL+ programme, the development of a methodology and toolbox for the implementation of the Housing First programme in Chile begins, which includes manuals, results evaluation instruments and training modules.
On 9 September, the action “Support in the installation of a new national strategy to overcome the homeless situation, through the implementation of the Housing First model in Chile” was launched. This aims to address the lack of housing and access to housing support services for homeless people with the greatest needs.
During the video meeting at the launch, teams from EUROsociAL+ and the Ministry of Family Social Development (MDS) and the Ministry of Health of Chile discussed fundamental issues for the advancement of specialised advice. Issues such as the operation of the Chilean Health System, the nature of the National Street Policy, and the general features of Housing First in Chile and the Supported Housing Programme. Also tackled was the organisation of the way forward, which will be developed from the incorporation of the EUROsociAL+ teams in the MDS working groups, which is focused on:
(I) Housing First support services, through the development of: Manual “From emergency to permanent housing, Direct treatment teams and operating strategy”; Intake protocols and approach to chronic participants in mental health; Approach protocols for problematic drug and alcohol use; Protocols for the labour inclusion of participants;
(II) Management and provision of homes through renting, with a focus on increasing the homes’ availability and management time;
(III) Adaptation of the programme’s evaluation instruments in 4 dimensions: health, integration in the community, labour insertion and the target population’s permanence in the programme.
The groups’ work is underway through remote work and virtual meetings: the elaboration of the associated documents is planned for November 2020. The fruits of this specialised advice will be presented within the framework of the Latin American Street Network.