Colombia · 10 August, 2020

Support for the review of Columbia’s Department for Social Prosperity programme’s transversal skills

Through the IILA Social Policies area, the European Union EUROsociAL+ Programme contributes to improving the soft skills of participants in Colombia's Youth and Families in Action programmes.

During the first four months of 2020, the EU Eurosocial+ programme and the Department for Social Prosperity of Colombia launched a review of the set of transversal skills which are part of the Department’s training programmes. The specialised advice being given and acted upon under this framework is based on work aimed at constructing agreements between EUROsociAL+ experts and teams from the Department for Social Prosperity regarding pedagogical processes, approaches to training and the measurement system of the Youth in Action and Families in Action programmes.

In June, a conceptual, methodological and operational review of training (both virtual and face-to-face) was undertaken to strengthen the transversal key competences (or life skills) of the participants in the Department for Social Prosperity’s training programmes in order to carry out any required adjustment, harmonisation and updating.

Through a series of virtual meetings, the teams worked on the review phase of the Department for Social Prosperity reference documentation, jointly advancing with regard to the construction of the conceptual framework of life skills. This exercise made it possible to identify the skills to be prioritised and agree on the adoption of a common soft skills framework for the two programmes. Progress was also made on the review of self-knowledge, resilience and empathy, teamwork, leadership and conflict resolution.

The finalisation of the technical document which includes conceptual, methodological and operational guideline proposals for the strengthening of transversal competences is planned for the coming months.

Country: Colombia
SDG: Decent work and economic growth, Reduced inequalities
Policy area: Social policies