EUROsociAL+ and the European Commission through its Joint Research Centre in Seville, have enabled the transfer of the Smart Specialisation Platform as a promoter of regional innovation in the Andean state
The European Union, through the EUROsociAL+ Programme, supports the Decentralisation Office of Peru in the creation of the Regional Development Agencies, understood as a space for coordination and articulation in the territory. To implement these Agencies, which are coordination instruments recommended by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an agenda has been planned for the transfer of international experiences, beginning in Spain with a study visit of the territorial context in Andalusia and the Basque Country. The Peruvian delegation was made up of representatives of the Decentralisation Office and the La Libertad region, located in the north-west of the country.
The exchange visit in Andalusia has been coordinated with IDEA Agency, which contributes to the region’s economic and social development by fostering entrepreneurship, innovation, cooperation in the science-technology-enterprise system and the competitiveness of the productive structure. In addition to this Agency for Innovation and Development, a meeting was held in Seville with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, to publicise the Smart Specialisation Platform S3 as the driving force of regional innovation. In parallel, the regional government of Andalusia has shared its strategy of territorial development through its Ministries of Environment and Territorial Planning and Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.
In Malaga, the IDEA Agency has promoted the transfer of the creation and management experience of the Andalusia Technology Park, a high-quality space for the development of more than 600 SMEs and large innovative and environmentally friendly companies , dedicated to production, advanced services and R&D, preferably in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications. Within the framework of the Andalusia Technology Park, the Peruvian delegation learned about the practical example of BIC Euronova, the European Business and Innovation Centre of Malaga, which supports the creation of innovative SMEs and promotes the implementation of innovative activities in the Existing SMEs and in Public Administrations.
In the Basque Country, the space for exchange is the Basque Agency for Business Development, where Basque companies find those tools with which to internationalise, undertake, finance, locate industrial land, apply new technologies, innovate or carry out the necessary process to enter the New Industry, the Basque Industry 4.0. This Basque Government agency is also responsible for attracting and facilitating foreign investment from its Invest in the Basque Country service.
The Peruvian tour in Spain ended in Madrid with meetings in the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function and the National Institute of Public Administration.
This process of support for the creation of the Regional Development Agencies will cover its next stage with the implementation of the pilot project of a development agency in the La Libertad region.
Área de políticas de gobernanza democrática, FIIAPP. Democratic governance area, FIIAPP / EUROsociAL+ Programme