Uruguay · 26 October, 2020

The National Employment Directorate of Uruguay has a new organisation chart and Strategic Plan with the support of EUROsociAL+

The National Employment Directorate has held a closing meeting of the organisational restructuring and strategic planning process to improve the articulation of active employment and vocational training policies in Uruguay with the support of EUROsociAL+.

On 9 September, a virtual closing meeting and evaluation of the results of the action to support the National Employment Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Uruguay was held with authorities from the Directorate, the Uruguayan Agency of International Cooperation, the European Union Delegation in Uruguay, the expert Fabian Repetto and the Social Policies team from the European Union Programme EUROsociAL+ in attendance.

At the beginning of 2020, an organisational restructuring and strategic planning process began to improve the articulation of active policies for employment and vocational training in Uruguay with the support of EUROsociAL+, the results of which have been highly valued by the institutions (new organisational chart of the Directorate, Strategic Plan 2020/25 and Annual Operation Plan (POA)).

The specific objective of the action has been to strengthen the leading role of the National Employment Directorate in a support itinerary which had 2 phases, one with each Government. At first, progress was made on a preliminary Roles and Functions Clarification Document with its corresponding Roadmap approved at the end of February by the outgoing authorities and validated with the new Uruguayan administration. Subsequently, an ambitious task was proposed in a short time frame that placed significant demands on the Directorate work team created for this purpose. The task, which was the preparation of the functions and internal reorganisation document, the Strategic Planning Document 2020/2025 and the Operational Plan 2020/2021, validated in the meeting with the authorities, was prepared with the technical assistance of Fabian Repetto, the EUROsociAL+ expert.

The main achievement was the new organisation chart that creates new organisational units with their respective roles and functions, presented by internal Resolution to the National Civil Service Office for its formalisation.



Country: Uruguay
SDG: Decent work and economic growth, Reduced inequalities, Partnerships for the goals
Policy area: Social policies