A policy framework under construction for elderly people’s residences in Argentina

Hour: 12:00 pm Argentina - 5:00 pm Bélgica
Country or Region: Argentina, Uruguay, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
The Argentinian Ministry of Health, together with the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ programme, are promoting the formulation of a national standard that provides general operating conditions for residences for the elderly with a human rights perspective. The definition of this standard is proposed as a process of federal construction and inter-institutional coordination.To this end, this workshop has been organised in which international social and health public policy experiences that respond to situations of dependency, especially with regard to long-term services, will be presented. In this regard, the presentation of the European expert Lourdes Bermejo is valuable, given her background in this field. The construction of the regulatory framework for residences for the elderly in Uruguay as a component of the progressive care system and the role of the Ministry of Health in coordination with the First Level of Care will also be analysed. To comment on the main achievements and challenges, we will be joined by two representatives from the country.Meanwhile, given that the Argentine Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity is working on the legislative design of a national care system, it is appropriate to know more about the section dedicated to the elderly. We therefore invited Lucia Cirmi, National Director of Care at the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity to take part.This workshop is aimed at national and provincial officials from the ministries of health, social development and other significant areas of our country, with competence and interest in the subject of older people.