Systems of evaluation and certification of labour competencies of people in the countries of the Pacific Alliance

Date: December 1, 2020
Hour: 9:00 am México - 10:00 am Colombia y Perú
Country or Region: Colombia, Chile
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Social policies

Presentation of the comparative analysis of the evaluation and certification systems of labour competency of the people in the countries of the Pacific Alliance. The presentation of this study, in addition to strengthening the links and cooperative relationships between the entities of the labour competency certification systems and the European Union, is a relevant milestone that allows the structural, technical and methodological characteristics of these systems to be made transparent, identifying their similarities and differences, and eliminating opacities when moving towards their homologation.

The study consists of a descriptive chapter of the systems for each member country of the Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico), a comparative chapter of the certification systems and an executive summary that synthesises the comparison of the systems and establishes recommendations for advancing the purposes of homologation.

This activity is co-organised by the Pacific Alliance, the Ministry of Labour of Colombia, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Mexico, the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Chile, the Public Employment Agency of Peru (SENA), CONOCER México, Chile Valora and by the area of Social Policies of the EU EUROsociAL+ Programme.