Presentation of the Guide to Good Practices for Public Defenders in dealing with cases regarding Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights

Hour: -
Country or Region: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
Economic, social, cultural and environmental rights (ESCER) represent the minimum standards to enjoy a decent life, which allow people to satisfy their basic needs and to develop their capacities as members of the society. Among them are rights related to work, health, education, social security, housing, water, food, education, the environment, as well as the protection of the family, which from different approaches recognise the specific needs of women, girls, boys and adolescents, older adults, people with disabilities and indigenous peoples, among other groups in vulnerable situations. In this context, the EUROsociAL+ Programme of the European Union is assisting the Argentine Public Ministry of Defence (MPD) in a project to strengthen its capacity to respond, within its competences and realities, to the demands of justice on issues related to the ESCER. The purpose of this webinar is to present the Guide to Good Practices in dealing with ESCER cases to public defenders, institutions and civil society organisations in Argentina.
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