Migration and employment in the Covid-19 era: migrants and returnees in the context of the Recovery, Social Reconstruction, and Resilience Plan of the SICA region

Hour: 9:00 am Centroamérica - 5:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
This activity is part of a series of webinars, organised by the Central American Integration System (SICA) and the European Union programme EUROsociAL, with the collaboration of the ILO and other UN agencies, dedicated to reflecting intersectorially on the measures to be taken to address the crisis generated by Covid-19, providing a space to share the efforts being made in each country, while offering the opportunity to learn about practices from other countries outside the region and gaining the advice of experts.
Migratory phenomena have been and continue to be a priority on the agenda of the European Union, as well as that of the governments of the Central American region and SICA. Even in the current health emergency, migration is still a salient issue: the expected drop in remittances, the contingents of returned migrants, or the possible new migratory flows that a prolonged economic crisis could cause are three different and complementary aspects of the migration issue in the Covid-19 era discussed in this webinar.