Euro-Latin American visions and proposals to improve care and shelter for victims of gender-based violence

Hour: -
Country or Region: Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish, English
Topic: Equality
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
Twenty-six years after the historic Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, this year 2021 is being held the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) a global meeting promoted by civil society in favour of gender equality, convened by UN Women and jointly organised by the governments of Mexico and France.
The session “ Euro-Latin American visions and proposals to improve the care and shelter for victims of gender-based violence ” takes place within webinars cycle « Dialogues Euro Latin American : from coalitions to actions in the framework of Generation Equality Forum » organised by Gender Equality Policy Area of the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ Programme.
The main objective of the webinar is to generate a bi-regional dialogue between Europe and Latin America to reflect on and learn about best practices in the provision of care and shelter services for victims of gender-based violence.
Specific objectives:
- Sharing the transformative commitments of the Gender-based Violence Coalition assumed by leaders institutions from both regions in terms of combating gender-based violence and care and shelter services for victims.
- Identifying the remaining challenges, specific needs and key actors with regard to the provision of these services, and in particular shelters.
- To generate proposals to achieve more inclusive and comprehensive public policies in this area.