Employment, economic recovery and transformations in the working world. Euro-Latin American dialogue on the innovation challenges of active employment policies

Hour: -
Country or Region: Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Social policies
The central message of the seminar is that the current capacity for action of active employment policies is not enough. Determined investment and innovation are required for them to have an impact on employment.
How to facilitate access, permanence and mobility in markets marked by instability? How to act preventively and not only through reparations and compensation? How can employment policies assist with territorial and sectoral productive development processes?
Recognising the crucial role of “social dialogue” in finding solutions to the new challenges posed by changes in the working world, the Seminar will focus on analysing two key innovations: the articulation of employment policies (and their instruments) with companies, through public-private alliances, and the development of new professional skills in the fields of the “green” economy and digitisation, so that people, and particularly young people, women and informal workers, can harness this great reservoir of opportunities.
- General objective
To generate a space for dialogue that brings together a broad group of players (public sector, companies, workers, academia, youth and civil society organisations) regarding the action priorities of employment policies to accompany the processes of economic recovery, in the context of deep transformations that the working world is experiencing.
I. Objetivo general
Generar un espacio de diálogo que convoque a un amplio grupo de actores – sector público, empresas, trabajadores, academia, jóvenes y organizaciones de la sociedad civil – respecto de las prioridades de acción de las políticas de empleo para acompañar los procesos de recuperación económica, en un contexto de transformaciones profundas que está viviendo el mundo del trabajo.
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