Chile-European Union round table meetings. Round table IV: Gender and Constitution

Hour: 11:00 am Santiago de Chile - 5:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Chile, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies, Gender equality policies, Social policies
The two sessions of the “Gender and Constitution” round table are part of the “Chile-European Union Round Table” seminar cycle organised by the European Union Delegation in Chile, the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, the Chilean Agency for International Cooperation (AGCID) and the Library of National Congress, with the support of the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ programme.
Throughout this meeting, which will take place over two sessions, some of the best European and Chilean experiences will be presented and discussed at length. The male-orientated roots of the State will be addressed, as will the structural dimensions of discrimination based on gender and its democratic citizenship. The latter will take the form of questioning one of the constitutive elements of a State designed by and for a small fraction of the population made up of men. Meanwhile, the debate will focus on the need to build a state based on parity.
The two sessions of this encounter will therefore have a common objective: the urgent need to imbue the future Chilean Constitution with a cross-cutting gender approach, permeating all its content, in order to debate the specific contributions that can be expected as a result.
The round table will be structured in two sessions (with the same registration link for both):
- Tuesday, 11 May 2021 (11:00 Santiago de Chile-17:00 Brussels). SESSION I: Rule of law and gender discrimination. See session recording
- Wednesday 12 May 2021 (11:00 Santiago de Chile-17:00 Brussels). SESSION II: The constitutionalisation of women’s experience as citizens See session recording