2nd EUROsociAL+ Dialogue Round Table in Colombia

Hour: 9:00 am Bogotá - 3:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Colombia, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies, Gender equality policies, Social policies
Authorities from 15 institutions in the country participated in the 2nd Dialogue Round Table of EUROsociAL+ in Colombia, to approve the roadmap with the nearly 30 actions that will be implemented throughout 2021 by the EU EUROsociAL+ Programme together with the Colombian institutions.
The EUROsociAL+ cooperation model is based on the principle of demand and on permanent dialogue on public policies through the exchange of expertise and public knowledge between the European Union and Latin America. The process to define which actions EurosociAL will implement in each country culminates in the “Dialogue Round Tables”, which are spaces for inter-agency coordination to prioritise the demands of the Latin American countries and improve the coherence, impact and sustainability of the public policies the programme supports.