The social policy area of the Eurosocial programme is supporting the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the National Council of Education in the formulation of a Public Policy for Vocational Technical Education and Training.
The expert Paula Greciet is advising the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Honduras on the creation of a national system of vocational training. The expert has proposed a roadmap, agreed with the different institutions involved, for the development and formulation of the Public Policy for Vocational Technical Education and Training. This policy contributes to Sustainable Development Goals 4 (quality education) and 8 (decent work and economic growth). The roadmap has been endorsed by the director of the National Council of Education (CNE), Sandra Maribel Sánchez, the assistant secretary of Labour and Social Security, Olvin Villalobos. and the vice director of the National Institute for Vocational Training-INFOP, José Antonio Elvir.
The roadmap establishes the sequence of stages and the work to be carried out on 14 axes considered core elements of a TVET system, including: system governance and financing, prospective demands of the labour market, catalogue of professional profiles, curricular model, new training programmes and adaptation to the national framework of qualifications, skills certification and accreditation of training centres, innovation, etc. For the development of each one of the 14 axes and the elaboration of the corresponding chapters of the Public Policy, three working groups were formed, composed of technicians from the Labour and Education Ministries, from the Universities, from public and private vocational training institutes, and from the business and union sector. Each of the groups will have a national support consultant, while general coordination will be under the responsibility of Paula Greciet.
The action also has the participation of the Vocational Training Programme in Honduras (FOPRONH), financed by GIZ, and the European Union programme Eurolabor