From 15 to 30 October, Adriana Fontán, head of the Uruguayan National Institute for Women’s Response to Gender Violence, undertook an internship in Valencia, Spain within the Contexto Programme of the University of Valencia’s Department of Social Psychology (Programme for Research, Training, Intervention and Prevention of Gender Violence through work with the aggressor), led by Marisol Lila Murillo, within the framework of EUROsociAL+ support for the implementation of the New National Plan for a life free of gender violence in Uruguay.

Universidad de Valencia.
Programmes for working with male aggressors constitute an additional and complementary level of protection for women to the specific actions carried out for and with women. They not only benefit the female victims but also society as a whole by limiting recidivism with the female victim or the aggressor’s future partners, questioning the sexist stereotypes rooted in patriarchal societies that underpin the violent attitudes of the aggressors.
The internship made it possible to strengthen the institutional capacities of The National Institute for Women to define the most effective strategies and modalities for working with male aggressors (especially the motivational strategy based on the design of an individualised motivational plan prior to group work sessions which promotes awareness of the need for change and creates behavioural adjustment aims). In addition to working on emotional management and alternative strategies to violence, promoting protective factors such as social support and empathy and improving psychosocial adjustments and anger management, the initiative focuses on beliefs and attitudes regarding violence.
Studies show that the rate of recidivism of violence in men who have participated in and completed this type of programme is lower. A commitment to programmes working with male aggressors therefore contributes to eradicating gender violence.
Adriana Fontán took advantage of this opportunity to meet her counterparts from the Valencian Institute for Women, Joaquín Bernad, head of the Prevention of Gender Violence Service and support for victims, and María Hernández, coordinator of the Generalitat Valenciana’s Network of Women’s Centres, exchanging their views about lessons learned and common challenges.
Further information regarding the internship