The Social Policies area has accompanied the ISM since 2018 in the design of a School of Social Policies that addresses the social dimension of regional integration. In 2020, also on this basis, the ISM creates a School of Government

Invitation to the School of Government launch
The Mercosur Social Institute requested support from EUROsociAL for the design and implementation of a MERCOSUR School of Social Policy to move forward towards the formation of a specialised body of State civil servants which possesses strategic knowledge about Mercosur Social, its strategic challenges and the main public policies whose implementation is feasible. Its initial identity was structured to reflect the triad of social policy, regional integration and regional citizenship. In this sense, the contribution of the European Union, with its successes and grey areas in the process of building a common social agenda and a specific convergence between national social policies, is of great relevance.
Currently, the ISM is resuming the initial design betting on a more ambitious proposal, a School of Government with an academic offer of specialised training and applicable workshops on topics which are on the public social policy agenda and the 2030 Agenda for the region.
The design of the MERCOSUR School of Social Policies (conception, fundamentals, articulation, etc.) was carried out through specialised advice from EUROsociAL expert Fabian Repetto. The design has been approved by the XXIX Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the MERCOSUR Social Institute (June 2018) with the presence of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay and the Executive Director of the MERCOSUR Social Institute (ISM). “4.5. Winter school – … The delegations expressed their agreement with the proposal presented and agreed to continue working on the school’s format, the methodologies, modules of the specific courses and their financing, among other issues.” (Minutes No. 01/18 of the XXIX Meeting of the Council of the Mercosur Social Institute)
At the end of 2018, the MERCOSUR Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities in Social Development endorsed the initiative and valued the strategic alliance with the European Union EUROsociAL+ Programme.
In 2020, with the relaunch of the Mercosur Social Institute, the creation of a School of Government is included in its operational plan as an “area for updating and specialisation for senior public management, with a focus on socio-economic, cultural and environmental policies aimed at decision-makers and public policy makers from the governmental, private and non-governmental sectors”. This initiative recognises, as a previous step, the proposal prepared with the assistance of the Programme, expanding its initial focus.
This year, the School of Government plans to put two blended-learning diplomas on the curriculum and various workshop courses in digital format. EUROsociAL+ resumes its support for ISM in the design of a Diploma in Innovation and Social Technologies. The ISM is partnered with academic institutions and international organisations which possess a recognised track record to optimise resources and encourage a higher level of teachers who collaborate with the preparation of content and the delivery of training.
On 7 April 2020, the presentation took place of the 2020 Academic Programme of the Mercosur School of Government – based in Asunción – and the opportunities for diplomas and courses, some of which will be supported by EUROsociAL+.