The IILA area of social policies at represented EUROsociAL+ in this event organised by the Vice Presidency of the Dominican Republic and UNDP, with the support of EUROsociAL and the IDB, which took place in Santo Domingo.

In the Forum, the progress of social protection in the country was analysed on the one hand, and on the other, innovations and issues of the present and future were discussed that represent conditioning factors and conditions for the redefinition of social policies, such as the sustainability of cities, climate change, the circular economy, big data, transformations in the world of work and productivity.
The multi-stakeholder panel “Challenges and opportunities to build a more comprehensive social protection system that provides economic and social sustainability and resilient environments to face emerging challenges by articulating a social agenda that articulates different strategies and actors in areas of poverty incidence”, was coordinated by the representative of EUROsociAL/ILLA, Francesco Chiodi, who stressed the existence of a fairly shared interpretation of situations of social unrest in the region: great advances in social issues in the recent era of growth, but insufficient progress to reduce inequality, which remains the structural and structuring characteristic of Latin American societies. Hence the need to re-establish pacts that support new social agendas, necessary steps also because, together with pending subjects, countries must face the great challenges of the future (climate change, ageing, the technological revolution, etc.) if they do not want to fall once again behind other regions of the world.
During his stay in the country, the IILA coordinator of Eurosocial also met with the Delegation of the European Union and made a visit to the La Nueva Barquita Community Technology Centre, one of the many training and work spaces existing in the country on the initiative of the Vice Presidency for closing the digital divide and developing technological skills in the most vulnerable communities.
More information about the Forum at: