The EUROsociAL+ Gender Equality Policies Area supports the design of a Gender Equality certification for large and medium-sized companies in Argentina, led by the Ministry for Women, Gender and Diversity.
Foto: Sasha
Within the framework of EUROsociAL+ support for the Ministry for Women, Gender and Diversity for the development of an equality certification for large and small companies in Argentina, two bi-regional technical exchanges were carried out virtually, with institutions from Latin America and Europe that were identified as leaders in the implementation of this type of policy.
The first was held on 26 October with government organisations and private companies in Mexico to learn about the Mexican Standard on Labour Equality and Non-Discrimination led by the National Women’s Institute, the governing body for gender policies (INMUJERES). The government institutions that participated in the exchange were INMUJERES, the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.
The first was held on 26 October with government organisations and private companies in Mexico to learn about the Mexican Standard on Labour Equality and Non-Discrimination led by the National Women’s Institute, the governing body for gender policies (INMUJERES). The government institutions that participated in the exchange were INMUJERES, the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
The private companies that participated were selected due to being institutions that have achieved the certification of excellence for their gender equality policies, they were: Mexico Sodexo ON-Site Services Mexico (company of French origin, catalogued as a world leader in Quality of Life Services), Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Mexico (company also of French origin that offers benefits and recognition services for company employees through grocery, food and gasoline vouchers among others) and TC Heartland México Manufactura (a global leader in the mass consumer products industry in categories such as low calorie sweeteners, cold brew coffee, coffee creamers and nutritional drinks for Latin America) and BAS International Certification Co.S.C. (certifying body, accredited to assess compliance with the Labour Equality and Non-Discrimination standard).
The second took place on 4 November with the National Institute of Women of Spain, which leads the gender equality certification in that country and with leading companies in the implementation of institutional measures for equality between men and women: Acciona (Spanish company for the promotion and management of infrastructures and renewable energies), Allianz (German multinational of financial services based in Munich) and Borges (global agri-food group of family and Mediterranean origin with 125 years of history and a strong international presence).
The methodology for both exchanges held consisted of a presentation by government institutions and companies about the following topics: principal difficulties when implementing the standard and/or certification, good practices developed by companies, better ways to communicate the seal to encourage participation from institutions, specific strategies for the successful implementation of similar initiatives in other countries, specific recommendations for the Argentine seal, among others.
After the interventions, a space for exchange, questions and answers was opened with the representatives of the Ministry for Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina. All the institutions evaluated these exchanges as very fruitful and hope they mark the beginning of new dialogue.
Among the next steps is the development of a Seminar in Argentina on Gender Equality in the world of work (March 2022) and a document with Recommendations for the elaboration of an equality seal in Argentina prepared by the EUROsociAL+ experts Laura Martínez Álvaro and Carmen Márquez.