The EUROsociAL+ Programme has completed a mission in Honduras as part of the action to support the reform of the National Vocational Training and Professional Education System
The objective of this first mission has been to get to know the approaches and points of view of different sectors – public administration, social forces, private enterprise and international cooperation – on this important reform.
For this purpose, the international expert facilitated by the Programme has met with the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Carlos Madero; with the Minister of Education, Marcial Solis; and with the Executive Director of the National Vocational Training Institute, Roberto Cardona. The meetings with representatives of workers and the productive sector have seen the participation of Benjamín Vásquez, Deputy Secretary General of the General Workers Confederation and former president of the Economic and Social Council; and Armando Urtecho López, Executive Director of the Honduran Private Enterprise Council. The cooperating group carries out actions within the framework of the G-16 (group of countries cooperating in Honduras) to strengthen the vocational training system, meetings were held with Paul Teeple, director of the “Employing Futures” Project funded by USAID and with technicians from the International Centre of Pedagogical Studies (France), who in collaboration with the Ministry of Education are implementing the Project “Support for Professional Technical Training in the Tourism Sector”, funded by the French Embassy in Honduras.
At the end of this broad agenda of meetings, the expert met with technicians from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for an initial analysis of information and to propose a route to follow for the creation of a National Vocational Training System, considering as a first step, the need to establish a National Professional Qualifications System and then a Framework Standard that regulates and articulates the Professional Technical Education and Training-PTET systems.
Área de políticas sociales de EUROsociAL+ / Social Policies Area of EUROsociAL+. IILA, Organización Internacional Italo-Latinoamericana