The European Union EUROsociAL+ Programme, through its IILA Social Policies Area, supports the creation of a plan to encourage cooperation and entice businesspeople to promote the use of the Colombian Public Employment Service for greater and better employability
During August, the first technical assistance activities planned within the framework of the “Creation of a plan to encourage cooperation and entice businesspeople to promote the use of the Public Employment Service” (SPE) initiative were undertaken. This action, conceived as a result of the IILA-EUROsociAL+ team‘s March 2020 Colombia mission, seeks to strengthen the SPE as an efficient and effective mechanism for the business sector in the employment intermediation process. In order to offer citizens adequate attention and ensure a balance between the needs of companies and job seekers and their services, the Public Employment Service considers an analysis of the demands of the productive sector to be essential.
Within this framework, work began to analyse the needs of companies in order to (i) identify the reasons why employers do not publish all their vacancies through the SPE provider network, (ii) determine the limitations and needs of employers in the advertising of vacancies, including the identification of key skills for the required positions and (iii) identify the companies and sectors that create employment in order to produce the business cooperation and enticement plan. These activities will create the input needed to design an association and enticement plan for businesspeople, based on their requirements and strengthen the capacities of the Unit and the Public Employment Service provider network to work with the business sector. Completion of activities is scheduled for spring 2021.