During the Meetings, it should be mentioned that the 68th Ordinary Meeting of the Central American Social Integration Committee (CAS) was held

The three areas of EUROsociAL+ took part in and supported the important event organized by SICA in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, at which various Councils of Ministers from the region met each other: Agriculture, Social Development, Economy, Education and Health, and Women, among others. The most important result was the approval by the Councils from the countries’ different sectors of the 2018-2030 Regional Intersectoral Agenda on Social Protection and Productive Inclusion with Equality. This move meant that the different sectors had come together to reinforce social protection and its links with productive inclusion policies.
Dominican Republic, the host country, played a leading role in organising the meetings. Summarising the main message of these days, Vice President Margarita Cedeño urged that social policies be strengthened and emphasized that “We must have policies that are well thought out and designed with a strategic vision, linked to the productive sectors and emphasising skills creation to improve the quality of life of the population.”
During the Meetings, it should be mentioned that the 68th Ordinary Meeting of the Central American Social Integration Committee (CAS) was held. At the meeting the role of the Eurosocial Programme was mentioned, in an ad hoc discussion in which Francesco Chiodi, the coordinator of the Programme’s Social Policy Area, took part.
Representatives of the Council of Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women in Central America (COMMCA) also met with Dominique de Suremain, coordinator of the programme’s gender equality area.
Section 11 of the declaration from the CAIS meeting states: “Highlight the role of the European Union Programme for Social Cohesion in Latin America (EUROsociAL+) in the beneficiary countries of the SICA Region, its potential for contributing to the development and strengthening of inclusive policies and its ability to foster dialogue on public policy between the countries of the two regional communities.
Urge SISCA and the Programme, especially the social policy area, to identify initiatives for regional work that will promote the Council’s working agenda. Express our interest in Belize and Dominican Republic being able to benefit from the regional actions being implemented by the Programme.”
In light of these premises and to follow up on previous conversations, the Programme and SISCA will soon identify work areas to support the implementation of the 2018-2030 Regional Intersectoral Agenda on Social Protection and Productive Inclusion with Equality, an instrument that seeks to develop intersectoral strategies for which an Intersectoral Technical Committee has been formed.
In addition, SISCA, COMMCA and the Central American countries will take part in the programme’s regional actions, including, for example, the initiative “Young people between training and employment. Innovating partnerships between training and education systems and productive systems” and “Euro-Latin American meeting on good practices in the fight against gender violence”.
Área de políticas sociales / Social Policies Unit. EUROsociAL+ / IILA