The Programme's social policies area has supported public policies on vocational training and youth employment in Latin America

From 2nd to 6th May, Barcelona and Madrid hosted the Eighth Ibero-American Forum: “Making policies together: today’s youth and their challenges for the future: work, participation, education”. The Forum was organised by the Ibero-American League of Civil Society Organizations, which the EUROsociAL Programme’s social policies area has been collaborating with the goal of strengthening policies to improve the labour insertion of Latin American youth. The coordinator of the Programme’s social area, Francesco Maria Chiodi, spoke in Barcelona and Madrid, underlining the importance of youth policies and recounting the history of the work being done through EUROsociAL to support the governments of Latin America in the area of vocational training and the promotion of youth employment.
The event was attended by over 500 people, including experts, young beneficiaries of the training programmes, high authorities from Europe and more than 18 Latin American countries such as the labour minister of El Salvador, Sandra Guevara; as well as by representatives of international institutions such as IDB, ILO and SEGIB. The international delegation was received at the Palace of Parliament in Madrid by María Navarro, the second vice president of Spain’s Congress of Deputies.
The Forum has represented a significant step in the process of strengthening the collaboration between public institutions and civil society organisations towards consolidating policies for youth in Europe and Latin America; likewise, it was an invaluable occasion for recognising and assessing the work that EUROsociAL+ has been doing to support policies that have an impact on social cohesion on the Latin American continent.