The Social Policies area of the EUROsociAL+ Programme at IILA contributes to the elaboration of the ‘Strategy for dealing with the national emergency caused by Covid-19’, promoted by the Technical Secretariat of the Costa Rican Child Care and Development Network.
EUROsociAL+ is supporting the Technical Secretariat of the Child Care and Development Network (ST REDCUDI) to report on the drafting process of the ‘Strategy for dealing with the national emergency caused by COVID-19’, by issuing technical recommendations on the content and indicating European best practices identified due their relevance to the problems, scenarios, and perspectives of the Costa Rican situation.
The child care and development services provided by REDCUDI are essential, since they provide care, food and stimulation for girls and boys, particularly the most vulnerable, which are necessary for their overall development. At present, due to the national emergency situation, the conditions of risk and vulnerability have been aggravated by the deterioration of the socio-economic conditions of their households caused by the decrease, loss, or impossibility of generating income.
This shows the need to carry out an in-depth analysis and also to build a solid and structured strategy that includes immediate response actions to the emergency, as well as new proposals for the subsequent recovery and ‘normalisation’period, . This implies the contribution of significant changes in the health safety of the care services that the children of REDCUDI will receive, and also in terms of the articulation between the actors that make it up, towards new forms of service provision, with higher quality and comprehensiveness.
The strategy feedback and enrichment process is being carried out by the expert Lluis Francesc Peris Cancio, professor at the University of Rome LaSapienza and Honorary judge of the Juvenile Court of Rome. Frederique Leprince, Director of International Relations of the Caisse Nationale d’allocations familiales (CNAF) of France, also made her contribution, sharing France’s experience in managing childcare centres.