Two lines of work support the strenghtening of social development and employment policies for this population group
In Argentina it is estimated that 50% of children under 14 and 40% of young people between 15 and 29 are poor. This population represents approximately four million people, and their situation of vulnerability accentuates the problems of unemployment, early school leaving, addiction, early pregnancy, among others. The statistics for youth unemployment in Argentina clearly reflect the unequal opportunities faced by social groups with lower incomes and fewer possibilities for access to education, as well as by women of different social classes in finding quality employment.
Within this framework, EUROsociAL+ is undertaking two actions, the first with the Under-Secretariat for Youth of the Ministry of Social Development, oriented towards strengthening the Interministerial Coordination Group for implementation of the National Strategy for Vulnerable Adolescents and Youth; the second is with the Secretariat for Employment of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTESS), aimed at providing Support to the Promotion of Youth Employment in Argentina.
Within the framework of the first line of action, a mission was carried out by a Colombian expert to look into the functioning of the Interministerial Coordination Group and to analyse the different programmes of the Under-secretariat for Youth. The purpose was to lay the foundations for a Operational Strategy for the Group structured around objectives, indicators, actions and concrete actions.
Based on this mission, in coming weeks a document containing a proposal for strengthening the Group will be submitted. This will be analysed by the parties and, if approved, adopted as a guide to the action of the Interministerial Group.
Subsequently, and in relation to the line of action of support to the MTESS, a mission was carried out by a Spanish expert who initiated a process of collecting information inherent in the Ministry’s youth employment system, with a view to conducting a study to systematise the instruments for promoting youth employment in the country. Based on the results of the study, a proposal will be developed for updating and coordinating these instruments to promote youth employment, particularly among the vulnerable groups.
The two initiatives aim to increase the individual and collective well-being necessary to achieve greater social cohesion, in line with the priorities expressed by the Argentine government of achieving “zero poverty”.
Área de políticas sociales. Social policies area / EUROsociAL+