Teams from the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity (Colombia) and expert advice from EUROsociAL+ define new pedagogical and methodological orientations.
As a result of the joint analysis undertaken of the pedagogical tools and range of training programmes that Young People in Action (JeA) and Families in Action (FeA) have to offer and, in particular, of the means by which soft skills are incorporated into said programmes, in August the work of preparing the first EUROsociAL+ technical assistance product was completed. The “proposal of conceptual, methodological and operational guidelines for the strengthening of cross-cutting skills (Skills for life)” of participants in JeA and FeA, the result of dialogue between the EUROsociAL+ experts and the teams from the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity, was adopted in early September.
On the basis of this baseline document and within the framework of the guidelines contained therein, the other products will be developed: in particular, for October, the presentation is planned of the model and measurement instruments associated with the pedagogical and methodological proposal.