The Social Policies and Gender Equality areas of the EU EUROsociAL+ Programme support the design of the Comprehensive Care System in Argentina, led by the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, in coordination with the EU delegation in the country.
Foto: Zenitmkt
On 18 February, a training session was held for workers at the National Directorate of Care Policies, which is part of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity (MMGyD). The training session was given by the EUROsociAL+ experts Marisol Touraine (former French Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights), Julio Bango (former director of the Integrated National System in Uruguay) and Soledad Salvador (a specialist in care studies).
In this session, comparative experiences of care policies in Latin America and Europe were presented, reviewing different definitions of care in the countries, as well as how these policies have evolved to constitute one pillar of the social protection systems. The distinction between programmes, policies and care systems was deepened, also showing the advantages of moving towards a vision that integrates social services with health services. The different European social protection models were outlined, with more or less centralised institutional configurations, and finally were some lessons learned were described from the experience of building the care system in Uruguay.
A total of 35 civil servants participated in the meeting. After the interventions by the specialists, a space for exchange was opened up for participants, who were able to raise questions and current reflections on the construction of the system.
The events within the framework of the support provided by EUROsociAL+ will include the meetings with the experts on the Drafting Commission for the bill to create the care system scheduled for the end of March (23/03), and another meeting with representatives of the inter-ministerial round table scheduled for April (14/04).