
Flag Icon Cuba

In May 2019, at the request of the Cuban authorities, and in coordination with the EUD in Cuba, the EUROsociAL+ Democratic Governance Policies Area carried out a technical work assignment with ONAT, the Cuban tax administration, to identify and prioritise actions in the area of tax. This included three specific actions with ONAT: designing the Cuban tax portal; designing and implementing tax return models; and implementing electronic tax invoicing.

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In the Related Activities and Actions section, you will find the list of activities for each of the actions that are in the approval, execution and completion phase. This data comes from the EUROsociAL + -SOFIE- Information Organization System and is updated every 24 hours. The menu allows you to choose to display from 10 to 100 activities, as well as filter by action area, country, lifecycle or searching by keyword. The data can be exported to Excel, by clicking on the lower section button, make sure that "Show 100" is selected so that the data is downloaded in a single Excel file.

1.- Asesoría Especializada sobre Factura Fiscal ElectrónicaImplementación de la facturación electrónica fiscal en CubaE01 Finanzas públicasGobernanzaOficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria -ONAT- (Cuba)5. En Ejecución (In action)
2.- Taller de Intercambio sobre implementación de la factura fiscal electrónica en América LatinaImplementación de la facturación electrónica fiscal en CubaE01 Finanzas públicasGobernanzaOficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria -ONAT- (Cuba)5. En Ejecución (In action)
3.- Visita de Intercambio a países de América Latina o de la Unión EuropeaImplementación de la facturación electrónica fiscal en CubaE01 Finanzas públicasGobernanzaOficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria -ONAT- (Cuba)5. En Ejecución (In action)
4.- Pilotaje para la implementación de la Factura Fiscal ElectrónicaImplementación de la facturación electrónica fiscal en CubaE01 Finanzas públicasGobernanzaOficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria -ONAT- (Cuba)5. En Ejecución (In action)

Information provided by Triskell Software PPM.