Never again without women: parity democracy in the 2021 general elections

Hour: 9:00 am Lima - 3:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Peru, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
With the 2021 General Elections in Peru just around the corner, the election of the President of the Republic having been called for 11 April 2021, this virtual discussion aims to contribute to a space for reflection on the regulatory advances at the national and international level regarding internal democracy with parity, alternation and the financing of political parties with a gender perspective. Within the 8 March framework, the date on which International Women’s Rights Day is celebrated, the Peruvian National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), together with the European Union programme EUROsociAL+, intends to generate a space for reflection around the challenges relating to inclusion and the democratisation of the Peruvian political system, particularly for the women who will be part of the electoral contest.