Ad Hoc Session. Organisational Models for Constituent Conventions / Assemblies

Hour: 2:00 pm Santiago de Chile - 7:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Chile, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies, Gender equality policies, Social policies
This session is part of the series of webinars “Chile-Europe Dialogues” organised jointly by the Chamber of Deputies, the Library of the National Congress, the Chilean Agency for International Cooperation (AGCID) and the European Union Delegation in Chile, with the support of the EU EUROsociAL+ programme to promote social cohesion.
The series of webinars has been structured around six round tables. This session will address the “Constituent Conventions/Assemblies Organisational Models” and will feature experts from Europe and Chile who will discuss the subject of the internal regulations on constituent conventions/assemblies. They will also analyse some experiences of assemblies/conventions, whose constitutional texts have been recently approved, in order to identify best practices that can be extrapolated from the Chilean case.