Emergency Care for Victims of Gender Violence in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hour: 5:00 pm París - 10:00 am Panamá
Country or Region: Argentina, Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Equality
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
Date: 19 May 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m. Paris – 10:00 a.m. Panama
Country or Region: Argentina, Peru, Latin American Region, European Union Region
language: Spanish
Topic: Covid-19
Policy Area: Gender equality policies
Date held: 19 May 2020
Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes
Language: Spanish
Organised by: EUROsociAL+, Gender Equality Policy area
This webinar is the first in a cycle of 3 dedicated to the inter-institutional response to gender-based violence in the context of the health crisis COVID19. The objective is to create spaces for dialogue and to reinforce rapid collaboration networks between the different competent agents in the prevention, care, and punishment of gender-based violence in the context of the COVID19 crisis.
AGENDA Opening:
Diego Mellado / EU Ambassador to Peru
Gloria Montenegro Figueroa / Minister for Women and Vulnerable Populations and former congresswoman in Peru.Juan Manuel Santomé / Director of the EUROsociAL+ Programme
1️⃣ Gender Violence in Peru Contingency Plan
Gloria Montenegro Figueroa / Minister for Women and Vulnerable Populations and former congresswoman in Peru.
2️⃣ Presentation of ‘Line 3919’ and the French Case
Maïté Albagly / Ex-coordinator of ‘3919 telephone line’, French National Federation for Women’s Solidarity (FNSF)
3️⃣ Context Behind Shelters for Women and their Daughters and Sons in Situations of Violence Against Women in Latin America
Margarita Guillé / Coordinator of the Inter-American Network of Refuges
4️⃣ Gender Violence in Argentina Contingency Plan
Josefina Kelly / Secretary for Policies Against Gender Violence Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity in Argentina
5️⃣ Gender Violence in Spain Contingency Plan
María Naredo / Advisor to the Cabinet of the Spanish Minister for Equality, specialist in gender violence.
6️ ⃣Regional Recommendations for Latin America
Luz Patricia Mejía Guerrero
Technical Secretary with the MESECVI-OEA
Conclusions:Marie Dominique de Suremain / Coordinator of the EUROsociAL+ Gender Equality Policy Area
Moderator:Edith López / Expert on gender with EUROsociAL+
Discussion group on the capacity4dev digital platform
“Inter-institutional Response to Gender Violence in the Context of the COVID19 Health Crisis”
To enter the group, you need to create an account on capacity4dev and then request membership in the group at this link. https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/respuesta-interinstitucional-a-las-violencias-de-g-nero-en-el-contexto-de-la-crisis-sanitaria-covid19
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