First Extraordinary Meeting: The transfer of the presidency of the Association of Magistrates of the Americas from Mexico to Colombia and the launch of AMEA’s Regional Observatory

Hour: 10:00 am Ciudad de México - 5:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
This virtual discussion aims to celebrate the transfer of the presidency of the Association of Electoral Magistrates of the Americas (AMEA), as well as the launch of the Regional Observatory, as part of the strategic plan developed by AMEA, which in its Second Conference approved the launching of this initiative, under the coordinated leadership of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights/Advisory and Electoral Promotion Centre (IIDH/CAPEL), in its capacity as the Technical Secretariat.
The Regional Observatory is a specialised service with a permanent and technical nature whose central activity will be that of observing and analysing electoral processes, which, from electoral bodies and the AMEA, is oriented to strengthen the political participation of women, non violence and the qualification of electoral and democratic institutional structures, from the perspective of parity democracy.
This seminar is organised by the EUROsociAL+ Gender Equality Policy Area in close collaboration with AMEA/CAPEL.