Presentation of the book “Women accused in contexts of violence or vulnerability. Towards a theory of crime with a gender perspective”

Date: October 19, 2020
Hour: 4:00 pm Buenos Aires - 9:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
Hour: 4:00 pm Buenos Aires - 9:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
The Gender Equality policy area of the EU EUROsociAL+ programme accompanied the Office of the Ombudsman of Argentina in the development, implementation and dissemination of advocacy strategies for women offenders in contexts of violence or vulnerability, which crystallised in the publication “Women accused in contexts of violence or vulnerability.Towards a theory of crime with a gender perspective”.
The study analyses the legal practices, the social realities and the paths of accused women, with the firm intention of improving the focus of their advocacy and building better work tools that fully integrate the gender perspective.
The following took part in the virtual presentation of the publication:
- Stella Maris Martínez, Ombudsman of Argentina
- The European Union Delegation representative in Argentina
- Ana Pérez Gómez and Alfonso Martínez-Sáenz, the coordinating team of the Gender Equality policy area of the EU EUROsociAL+ programme
- Rita Segato, PhD in Anthropology, Argentinian feminist activist and EUROsociAL+ expert
- Patricia Laurenzo Copello, Professor at the University of Malaga and EUROsociAL+ expert