Presentation of the Inter-American Network for the Defence of Persons in the Context of Mobility and the Action Protocol for the request of information between Public Defender’s Offices
Hour: -
Country or Region: Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Rights
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
In 2019, the Inter-American Association of Public Defender’s Offices (AIDEF), aware of the current migratory reality in the region and of the need for cooperation between Public Defender’s Offices to guarantee access to justice for people on the move, with the assistance of the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ Programme, launched an action for the creation of an Inter-American Network for the Defence of Persons in the Context of Mobility whose main objective is dialogue and joint work between entities that make up the AIDEF, to improve access to justice for migrants and refugees, through collaboration and reciprocal assistance, the exchange of information and experiences and the development of common activities.
The European Union’s EUROsociAL+ Programme together with AIDEF, invite you to the presentation of the Inter-American Network for the Defence of Persons in the Context of Mobility and the Action Protocol for the request of information between Public Defender’s Offices of the region for the defence of migrants and refugees.
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