Fiscal policies in the face of COVID-19: Latin America and the Caribbean-European Union dialogue

Hour: 9:00 am Montevideo - 1:00 pm Madrid
Country or Region: Uruguay
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
The EU EUROSociAL+ Programme participated in the virtual laboratory “Public finance for development – public income in the context of COVID-19”, organised by the Spanish Cooperation Training Centre in Montevideo, which had contributions from other institutions and international organisations such as the IDB, CIAT, ECLAC, IEF, OECD, Red Sur and AECID. The Democratic Governance Area of the EU EUROSOCiAL+ Programme was in charge of a module that emphasised Euro-Latin American dialogue on fiscal policies.
This exchange aims to promote reflection on the situation of public revenues in the current context of economic and social crisis generated by COVID-19 and share solutions through taxation to improve collection and encourage the recovery of the economic fabric. At the same time, work was carried out on the definition and joint design of an action programme in Public Finance for Development with a regional vocation, aligned with the new needs posed by the pandemic and which contributes to fiscal sustainability with equity.