Supply markets in the face of COVID-19: towards a gradual and selective exit from confinement Health and safety measures at work and the role of social dialogue

Hour: 11:00 am Buenos Aires - 4:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Social policies
Sector representatives from Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Europe will share their views on the impact that COVID-19 had on supply markets, the protection and prevention measures that were developed to minimise professional risks, and the policies and protocols adopted for the progressive resumption of activity.
This series of online exchange meetings on the measures that countries are taking in the face of COVID-19 for the care of safety and health at work at the time of economic reactivation contributes to strengthening and improving decision-making. The first topic addressed was that of the construction sector; the second, on urban and suburban public transport; and the third, related to work in private homes.
This activity is co-organised by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Security of Argentina, the Superintendency of Occupational Risks of Argentina, the Office of the International Labour Organization Southern Cone, and by the Social Policies area of the European Union programme EUROsociAL+.