Care as the fourth pillar of social welfare systems. Euro-Latin American dialogue on the challenges to move forward

Hour: -
Country or Region: Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies, Social policies
The Seminar aims to contribute to the necessary dialogue between the different players in society to advance in reflecting on a systemic organisation of sustainable care based on the principles of universality, solidarity, autonomy and social co-responsibility.
The seminar is part of the EUROsociAL initiative: Square of innovation and social cohesion. Social policies in global transitions, dedicated to the challenges of innovating social policies to play an active role in the (i) ecological transition, (ii) transformations of the working world and (iii) development of caring societies. The initiative provides resources such as Euro-Latin American seminars, youth talks, interviews with specialists, texts and files, etc.
- General objective
To create an opportunity for dialogue and reflection that brings together different political players of Latin American countries, regarding the importance of care for the exercise of rights and sustainable development, conceiving care as a fourth integrated pillar of social welfare systems. - Specific Objectives
• To reveal the foundations that support the need to install care systems as a relevant and priority political agenda of Latin American countries.
• To analyse the progress and limitations of the countries that have made efforts to install integrated care systems within the framework of social welfare systems and, based on this, to identify the future challenges of said agenda.
• To analyse the challenges of professionalising care services as a key link in a development policy for the sector, based on a comparative analysis of their professional profiles and competency certification processes in Europe and Latin America.
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