Housing First in Times of Pandemic: a strategy to end the homeless situation

Hour: 5:00 pm Bruselas - 11:00 am Chile
Country or Region: Chile, Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
The homeless population is growing, social differences are sharpening in the midst of a global crisis that requires a serious response from governments. Since 2018 Chile has led with the installation of a social policy based on housing as the first step to end the homeless situation, by allying itself with different countries in the region.
In this context, authorities in the field are summoned to participate in the high-level international Webinar entitled “Housing First in Times of Pandemic: a strategy to end the homeless situation”, which will take place next Tuesday, 1 June, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Chile/5:00 p.m. CET.
This meeting is organised by the European Union Programme EUROsociAL+ and the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile, which is part of the “Support in the installation of a new national strategy to overcome the homeless situation, implementing the Housing First model in Chile” project. The main objective is to share the results of the international experiences of Housing First in times of pandemic, emphasising the Chilean and Latin American context, in order to inspire and engage different public and private actors in the sustainability of these solutions.
The Governments of Chile, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia and Argentina, along with social organisations, politicians, businessmen and key actors in the housing sector, have all been summoned to share their reflections on their experience and what they have learnt.